The Bruery + 3 Floyds Rue D’Floyd
The Bruery + 3 Floyds Rue D’Floyd : Black Lord GODZILLA VS SPACEGODZILLA Beer collaborations abound. One of the first American sour ales I loved was Marrón Acidifié—an imperial Oud Bruin—a collab from The Bruery and Cigar City. This beer was for me, a big success. Two up and coming craft brewers from different markets,…
Great Lakes Chillwave
Great Lakes Chillwave Once known as Alchemy Hour, Great Lakes annual double IPA comes out each winter around February/March. Judging by GLBC’s proximity to Lake Erie, the name certainly speaks to the cold Cleveland temps during the winter month’s this beer is released. The word itself comes from modern music. Chillwave is perhaps the…
DIPA Battle: Fat Head’s Hop Juju versus Dark Horse Double Crooked Tree
Fat Head’s Hop Juju versus Dark Horse Double Crooked Tree For this review we take on two double IPAs that are super fresh, released to markets the same week. With similar IBUs, we were inspired to compare the two Midwestern breweries efforts in this category. And so, we bring you our DIPA Batttle: Fat Head’s…
Surly Overrated
[schema type=”review” url=”” name=”Surly Overrated IPA Beer Review” description=”Craft beer review of Surly Overrated” rev_name=”Surly Overrated” author=”Steve” pubdate=”2014-01-24″ user_review=”8.0″ min_review=”0″ max_review=”10″ ] Surly Overrated Like Keith Richards fans, sick of hearing about the epic excesses of Justin Beiber, passionate beer geeks sometimes grow weary of the buzz that comes with early achievement. Surly Overrated is…
Oskar Blues Ten Fidy
Oskar Blues Ten Fidy Writing this on one of the coldest night this city has recorded in meteorological recorded history, the soul craves certain things. Soup, tonight provided by Souper Market, specifically the new Kamm’s Corner location which, despite being furthest from the cellar was more importantly, the only one brave enough to stay open amid…